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Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005

7:49 a.m.

o.k., we survived the first day of school. things went pretty well. KidOne thinks mr. B is "the coolest teacher in the school," to which KidTwo responded "don't you mean the coolest teacher in the first grade? because Mrs. C is the coolest teacher in the school."

Big words from a kid who wouldn't let go of my hand when we arrived at school. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea to have parents accompany the kindergarteners for the first hour and a half. But it didn't work out so well for KidTwo. she does much better when we aren't around. when i'm within eyesight, she becomes this painfully shy, clingy little thing. she wouldn't get off my lap, insisted she didn't know how to draw a picture of herself, and flat out refused to "tell the class one thing about yourself." i finally turned her over to P, who is much more patient with her.

eventually, the kids were taken on a tour of the school, and to play on the playground while the parents stayed behind for a presentation about the kindergarten curriculum. by the time the kids returned, KidTwo was having fun (and was ready for P and i to leave). Of course, one little girl who was fine when she left for the tour was completely hysterical when she returned. the teacher basically peeled her out of her mother's arms, and both the little girl and her mother left in tears. i really felt for the mom. both of my kids have had their separation issues.

KidOne had a good day in first grade. he liked buying his lunch. and he actually ate some of the salad! i couldn't believe it. i couldn't pay him enough to eat salad at home. the best part of first grade, according to KidOne is that they get to have 2 recesses! but he did say to me last night "mommy, summer vacation is better because we don't have such busy days."
staying at school all day (8:30-3:30) is going to be an adjustment for both of us. yesterday during lunch, i looked at the clock and realized that he was still going to be at school for another 3 hours! i really missed him. a friend told me i was "crazy" not to be thrilled that he was gone all day. but after having lunch with him almost every day since he was born, it was truly weird to be without him. i don't like it.

add to the craziness the start of soccer for both kids (different teams, different practice times, 2 games/week).

but that's a subject for another time.

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