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Monday, Aug. 22, 2005

2:18 p.m.

my daughter cracks me up! she is just the funniest thing, and about a dozen times a day i find myself completely cracking up at something she says. she can be a devious little thing, though. in the months leading up to kindergarten registration she let me know no less than a million times that she only wanted to go to half-day kindergarten. "not all day mommy, just half-day."

apparently, now that she is in half-day kindergarten, her thoughts have changed. yesterday, she said "I wish I went to school all day?" and I said "You do?" and she replied "Yes."

"But," I said, "then we wouldn't be able to hang out together in the afternoon."

She smiled a very sweet smile, put her arms around my neck, and laid her little head on my shoulder.............and proceeded to say "I don't care."

She's lucky she's so cute!

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