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Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005

2:06 p.m.

today a friend asked me if i would participate in a "celebrity" quiz-off for Constitution Day. Number one, who even knew there was a Constitution Day? Number two, how sad is this event going to be if I'm one of the "celebrities?" Number three, do i really want to look like a dork getting my ass kicked by other local "celebrities?" Apparently, i don't mind looking like a dork, because i agreed to do it. the only thing saving me is that they will give us some questions to study in advance so we don't look completely stupid.

what am i thinking?!?

went on a field trip (actually, they call it a "study" trip these days) with KidTwo's kindergarten class to a nature center this morning. spending the morning with 17 five-year-olds is reassurance that i definitely did NOT want to be a teacher. my mom is a teacher and she kept trying to convince me to become one because "you get your summers off." while that is an attractive thought, i'd probably be spending every summer in a mental institution-- driven there by the wacko students in my class.

there was a semi-loopy lady there leading the hike. she has a duffel bag filled with dead animals that have been stuffed. before she shows them to the kids, she goes on and on about how they're "real but dead" and "they can't hurt you, because they're dead" and "they look a little strange because they're dead" and "they're real but dead but i didn't kill them." i'm convinced she drives around town running over small animals that she then stuffs and places in her duffel bag. she must be a lot of fun at parties..........

reality tv note: too bad jordis was kicked off, but she's too good for inxs anyway. i'm still rooting for mig.


i hope evil april gets voted off bb6 tonight. i want to she the expression on her face.

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