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Monday, Sept. 19, 2005

4:51 p.m.

today was not so great, yet it was.

let me explain.....

it all started yesterday (don't worry, i'll make this brief). went to the high school for KidTwo's cheerleading clinic, which she enjoyed very much ("cheerleading is even MORE fun than I thought it would be, Mommy!"), and I was only slightly horrified by.

left the high school and met P and KidOne at a restaurant for dinner. at the end of dinner, when it was time to pay, i realize i do not have my wallet. i'm only slightly concerned about this, because i have been known to leave the house without my wallet on more than one occasion. go home, make a half-hearted effort to look for it, no luck. i figure it would show up at some point.

this morning before i leave for work i make a slightly more thorough search of the house, but no luck. now i'm starting to get a little worried.

after work, i drop the kids off at school, then go home determined to find said wallet. i pull cushions off the couch, tear apart closets, go through the laundry, recycling, and garbage, search everyone's underwear drawer, dig through the car, look in the freezer, refrigerator, my briefcase, the bathrooms, the porch, the mailbox (hoping that someone found it and dropped it off.) somewhere in there i call the high school and leave a message for the janitor. then i stop at the high school on the way to pick up KidTwo from kindergarten. no luck.

i was SO stressed out! i have a ton of work to do on my quizzes (which are due tomorrow), so what do i do? that's right.....i take a nap! hey, no one ever said i deal with stress well.

just as i have given up all hope and have resigned myself to cancelling my credit cards and getting new i.d.s, the phone rings. it's the janitor from the high school, and she found my wallet just where i thought it would be.

i can't describe the feeling of relief and joy! a series of jigs commenced around the house along with some songs i wrote that go a little something like this...

"I found my wah-let! I found my wah-let!"

don't you wish you were here to hear it?

to sum up the day: i laughed, i cried, i learned about life.

just re-read this and realized i did not achieve my goal of being brief.....

oh well

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