
mom-of-two - 2005-09-27 10:35:21
I'm impressed you can get up that early at all on a regular basis. Besides your wake up time, that is a very cool job you have! I hope your day gets better.
Smed - 2005-09-27 13:12:59
Oh, I've been there with being late to turn on the radio station at o'dark thirty. Yikes! Hope you won't get in serious trouble.
Sarah - 2005-09-27 15:11:31
I slept through my alarm this morning. Sorry that it's a rough day though. ((HUGS)) :)
Sally - 2005-09-27 15:12:36
Oh, that surely sucketh. May tomorrow be MUCH better!!! If my job required me to get up that early, I would quickly join the ranks of the very much unemployed. I am pretty much comatose until noon. What time do you go to bed? 6pm?
kristin - 2005-09-27 15:57:35
luckily, when i miss a break, there is a music bed playing, so it's just 30 seconds-1 minute of music with no talking. not great, but better than dead air. as far as when i go to bed, i should be going to bed at 6, but don't usually end up in bed until 10 (of course, i may have been sleeping on the couch for 2 hours at that point!)
Mari - 2005-09-27 17:47:19
So what do they do when you don't show up? Do they have some intern who is secretly jumping up and down with glee that they get some air-time at 5:09 in the AM?
Mari - 2005-09-27 17:49:03
What flavor?
kristin - 2005-09-27 17:54:37
cookies and cream (with chocolate syrup and whipped cream) when i don't show up, just music plays in the breaks until i get there. not even an intern is crazy enough to get up as early as i do!

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